Academic Engagement
DHS works with the academic community - including school administrators, faculty, and students - on a range of issues.
Non-Governmental Organizations Resource Guide
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) team developed this comprehensive resource guide, leveraging resources across the federal government to equip NGO stakeholders.
NGO Academic and Youth-Serving Resource Guide
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) team developed this comprehensive list of resources across the federal government to equip academic institutions, NGO stakeholders.
GBV Student Toolkit Flyer
GBV Student Toolkit Flyer
Federal Campus Safety Resources
The federal government maintains a broad range of campus safety resources that you can draw on based on your needs. This fact sheet provides additional information on these resources and includes email addresses to request any services or information you might require.
First Amendment Activity at Academic Institutions
To ensure peaceful protests and safe conduct on educational campuses during First Amendment-protected activities, DHS recommends institution leadership take proactive steps to prepare the campus ecosystem, communicate policies and procedures, and respond by taking both a whole-of-community, human centric approach and enforcing campus policies, as necessary.
2014 NTTX Situation Manual
The 2014 NTTX Situation Manual details the tabletop scenario of the 2014 NTTX event.
2014 NTTX Summary Report
2014 National Seminar and Tabletop Exercise Series Summary Report
2015 NTTX Situation Manual
2015 National Seminar and Tabletop Exercise Series Situation Manual
2015 NTTX Summary Report
2015 National Seminar and Tabletop Exercise Series Summary Report
2016 NTTX Situation Manual
2016 National Seminar and Tabletop Exercise for Institutions of Higher Education Situation Manual.